candle holder, illegible signature, probably from Great Britain

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candle holder, illegible signature, probably from Great Britain Empty candle holder, illegible signature, probably from Great Britain

Post by August 22nd 2023, 5:47 pm

Hi guys!

Any ideas around who made this item?

candle holder, illegible signature, probably from Great Britain Von_lo12  candle holder, illegible signature, probably from Great Britain Von_lo11  candle holder, illegible signature, probably from Great Britain Von_lo10

Got it as a gift today from my neighbour. She only could tell me that the item probably was made in GB. I think the signature starts with an S.
Thanks in advance for any help :-)


Male Number of posts : 170
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Registration date : 2011-06-06

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candle holder, illegible signature, probably from Great Britain Empty Re: candle holder, illegible signature, probably from Great Britain

Post by NaomiM August 22nd 2023, 7:25 pm

It's mostly hobby potters in the UK who sign their work. I would look closer to home

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candle holder, illegible signature, probably from Great Britain Empty Re: candle holder, illegible signature, probably from Great Britain

Post by August 22nd 2023, 8:30 pm

Thank you Naomi :-)

Male Number of posts : 170
Location : Germany
Registration date : 2011-06-06

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candle holder, illegible signature, probably from Great Britain Empty Re: candle holder, illegible signature, probably from Great Britain

Post by hercules brabazon August 24th 2023, 11:51 am

NaomiM wrote:It's mostly hobby potters in the UK who sign their work. I would look closer to home

I think that's an overgeneralisation. This looks a very fluid and practiced signature.
hercules brabazon
hercules brabazon

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candle holder, illegible signature, probably from Great Britain Empty Re: candle holder, illegible signature, probably from Great Britain

Post by August 24th 2023, 2:27 pm


Male Number of posts : 170
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candle holder, illegible signature, probably from Great Britain Empty Re: candle holder, illegible signature, probably from Great Britain

Post by NaomiM August 24th 2023, 2:58 pm

hercules brabazon wrote:
NaomiM wrote:It's mostly hobby potters in the UK who sign their work. I would look closer to home

I think that's an overgeneralisation. This looks a very fluid and practiced signature.

That's why I suggested it's more likely to be European

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32456
Location : Hampshire
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candle holder, illegible signature, probably from Great Britain Empty Re: candle holder, illegible signature, probably from Great Britain

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