Need help to identify (probably) german studio ceramic sculptures, AS mark

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Need help to identify (probably) german studio ceramic sculptures, AS mark Empty Need help to identify (probably) german studio ceramic sculptures, AS mark

Post by dawil August 16th 2023, 9:00 pm

Hi everyone!
I recently found some interesting art ceramic pieces. They are probably german.
Does anyone have an idea who made them. One signature looks like A over S, one with an added 09 (the year?).

Big thanks in advance, Dan

Need help to identify (probably) german studio ceramic sculptures, AS mark Bild_112
Need help to identify (probably) german studio ceramic sculptures, AS mark Bild_211
Need help to identify (probably) german studio ceramic sculptures, AS mark Bild_310

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Need help to identify (probably) german studio ceramic sculptures, AS mark Empty Re: Need help to identify (probably) german studio ceramic sculptures, AS mark

Post by NaomiM August 16th 2023, 11:49 pm

I’ve split the post because the blue one was by a different potter

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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