Signed Pear Shaped Vase With Tiny Opening, Kanji mark

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Signed Pear Shaped Vase With Tiny Opening, Kanji mark Empty Signed Pear Shaped Vase With Tiny Opening, Kanji mark

Post by maxwellpark August 13th 2023, 4:45 pm

I have this vase with a pretty nice form, kind of pear-ish with a very tiny opening.
It has an interesting mark stamped near the bottom that looks like a few curved lines enclosed in a rounded corner square.
Measures 5" in diameter and 7" high.
This feels like a long shot but if anyone recognizes the mark I would love to know.

Signed Pear Shaped Vase With Tiny Opening, Kanji mark Vbq06qN
Signed Pear Shaped Vase With Tiny Opening, Kanji mark R0cZpMS
Signed Pear Shaped Vase With Tiny Opening, Kanji mark I5IDZre
Signed Pear Shaped Vase With Tiny Opening, Kanji mark RzonZyJ

Number of posts : 106
Location : Oakland
Registration date : 2020-06-12

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Signed Pear Shaped Vase With Tiny Opening, Kanji mark Empty Re: Signed Pear Shaped Vase With Tiny Opening, Kanji mark

Post by NaomiM August 14th 2023, 1:46 am

Possibly Japanese bizen ware, unless there's signature under the felt. Unfortunately the most comprehensive Japanese pottery marks online websites are in Japanese

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Signed Pear Shaped Vase With Tiny Opening, Kanji mark Empty Re: Signed Pear Shaped Vase With Tiny Opening, Kanji mark

Post by maxwellpark August 14th 2023, 9:13 am

NaomiM wrote:Possibly Japanese bizen ware, unless there's signature under the felt. Unfortunately the most comprehensive Japanese pottery marks online websites are in Japanese

Thank you so much Naomi! I will ask Japanese friend if she can read the mark.

Number of posts : 106
Location : Oakland
Registration date : 2020-06-12

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Signed Pear Shaped Vase With Tiny Opening, Kanji mark Empty Re: Signed Pear Shaped Vase With Tiny Opening, Kanji mark

Post by studio-pots August 14th 2023, 7:27 pm

I think that the mark is far to stylised for anyone to read but they might recognise it.

Although it might well be Japanese, I wouldn't be surprised if it had been made in the US.

Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!

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Signed Pear Shaped Vase With Tiny Opening, Kanji mark Empty Re: Signed Pear Shaped Vase With Tiny Opening, Kanji mark

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