Art pottery stoneware piece for ID.

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Art pottery stoneware piece for ID.  Empty Art pottery stoneware piece for ID.

Post by abstract*toad August 11th 2023, 7:20 am

Stoneware large decorative dish for ID please. 
Incised marks to its base.

Art pottery stoneware piece for ID.  20230817
Art pottery stoneware piece for ID.  20230819
Art pottery stoneware piece for ID.  20230818

Number of posts : 706
Location : England
Registration date : 2021-04-23

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Art pottery stoneware piece for ID.  Empty Re: Art pottery stoneware piece for ID.

Post by abstract*toad August 11th 2023, 7:21 am

Art pottery stoneware piece for ID.  20230820

Number of posts : 706
Location : England
Registration date : 2021-04-23

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