Drip Glaze Vase, German? numbered 8022/2

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Drip Glaze Vase, German? numbered 8022/2 Empty Drip Glaze Vase, German? numbered 8022/2

Post by Desert Collector Fri Aug 11, 2023 4:46 pm

I am attempting to identify the maker of this vase. It has an iridescent drip glaze and the bottom is stamped with 8022/2. I thought it may be German but have not found a match.

Drip Glaze Vase, German? numbered 8022/2 Img_8710
Drip Glaze Vase, German? numbered 8022/2 Img_8711
Desert Collector
Desert Collector

Number of posts : 39
Location : U.S.
Registration date : 2017-11-06

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Drip Glaze Vase, German? numbered 8022/2 Empty Re: Drip Glaze Vase, German? numbered 8022/2

Post by Pugmill Mon Aug 14, 2023 6:39 am

Does it have a gold rim? I can't tell from the photo.

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Registration date : 2013-12-05

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Drip Glaze Vase, German? numbered 8022/2 Empty Re: Drip Glaze Vase, German? numbered 8022/2

Post by Desert Collector Mon Aug 14, 2023 3:10 pm

Thank you for asking. It does not have a gold rim. The photo lights are reflecting on the rim.
Desert Collector
Desert Collector

Number of posts : 39
Location : U.S.
Registration date : 2017-11-06

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Drip Glaze Vase, German? numbered 8022/2 Empty Re: Drip Glaze Vase, German? numbered 8022/2

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