Green, sculptural vase

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Green, sculptural vase Empty Green, sculptural vase

Post by Bernado Duckworthy August 5th 2023, 11:12 pm

V for Volkous?

Green, sculptural vase Img_2066
Green, sculptural vase Img_2065
Green, sculptural vase Img_2071

Green, sculptural vase Img_2068
Green, sculptural vase Img_2069
Green, sculptural vase Img_2070
Bernado Duckworthy
Bernado Duckworthy

Male Number of posts : 200
Location : London
Registration date : 2023-07-31

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Green, sculptural vase Empty Re: Green, sculptural vase

Post by NaomiM August 5th 2023, 11:55 pm

I’ve deleted Voulkos from the title. Student piece - unfinished and messy base, and a glaze that was popular with students in the 60s-70s

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Green, sculptural vase Empty Re: Green, sculptural vase

Post by Bernado Duckworthy August 6th 2023, 1:34 am

NaomiM wrote:I’ve deleted Voulkos from the title. Student piece - unfinished and messy base, and a glaze that was popular with students in the 60s-70s

Okay, thanks.
Well I rate it anyway.
Bernado Duckworthy
Bernado Duckworthy

Male Number of posts : 200
Location : London
Registration date : 2023-07-31

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Green, sculptural vase Empty Re: Green, sculptural vase

Post by philpot August 6th 2023, 8:35 am

Ouch! We ain't giving you a good time! Personally I find that attractive. Its bright, it is vibrant, a lovely splash of colour to cheer one up. Do not underestimate your collection Bernardo. Its just when you look, there is quite a lot of studio pottery around that is very nice. But it is just not by the potters who are collected. That field is very narrow. Its exactly like art, but a lot smaller There are millions of very good amatuer painters whose work is very attractive. But only a relatively small cadre of painters whose wotrk is valuable.

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Green, sculptural vase Empty Re: Green, sculptural vase

Post by philpot August 6th 2023, 8:50 am

I see you like in London. Have you had a look at the V&A collection of contemporary ceramics? It is hidden away on the very top floor, and is a wonderful place to spend a rainy London day browsing.
            The V&A have very recently published a new catalogue of their studio pottery collection. STUDIO CERAMICS by Alun Graves published by Thames and Hudson.Its a beautiful hefty  book. The cheapest place to buy it is probably Ebay.
          Or an even posher place is Contemorary Applied Arts in Marylebone.
             The best place to see a bang up to date collection of the best work is the Craft Potters Association. They have a wonderful shop in Russell Street bang opposite the British Museum. Called Contemporary Ceramics.
Or there is even a posher place at Contemporary Applied Art in Parylebone
Both have selling online. With lots of pieces and crafts people. Oh....And hefty prices!


Number of posts : 6607
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Green, sculptural vase Empty Re: Green, sculptural vase

Post by Bernado Duckworthy August 8th 2023, 4:39 am

philpot wrote:Ouch! We ain't giving you a good time! Personally I find that attractive. Its bright, it is vibrant, a lovely splash of colour to cheer one up. Do not underestimate your collection Bernardo. Its just when you look, there is quite a lot of studio pottery around that is very nice. But it is just not by the potters who are collected. That field is very narrow. Its exactly like art, but a lot smaller There are millions of very good amatuer painters whose work is very attractive. But only a relatively  small cadre of painters whose wotrk is valuable.

Ah, that's all good.
But, Thanks again Philpot, Glad you see something in it. It's a quite large, heavy piece and the glaze is very smooth.
I love the shape from any angle. Must have took some doing. Respect to anyone who can hand build something like that.

The latter part of what you said is becoming more and more apparent to me..
The volume of potters, especially on our small shores is astonishing.

I don't think anyone could make me like my collection any less.
The pieces are quite meaningful to me and I like them alot regardless of maker.
They are some of the first bits I had ever bought.. & during a time when I was physically
quite unwell. (The new love for pottery kept my mind occupied and my heart singing)  Chinese

Last edited by Bernado Duckworthy on August 8th 2023, 6:25 am; edited 1 time in total
Bernado Duckworthy
Bernado Duckworthy

Male Number of posts : 200
Location : London
Registration date : 2023-07-31

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Green, sculptural vase Empty Re: Green, sculptural vase

Post by Bernado Duckworthy August 8th 2023, 4:44 am

philpot wrote:I see you like in London. Have you had a look at the V&A collection of contemporary ceramics? It is hidden away on the very top floor, and is a wonderful place to spend a rainy London day browsing.
            The V&A have very recently published a new catalogue of their studio pottery collection. STUDIO CERAMICS by Alun Graves published by Thames and Hudson.Its a beautiful hefty  book. The cheapest place to buy it is probably Ebay.
          Or an even posher place is Contemorary Applied Arts in Marylebone.
             The best place to see a bang up to date collection of the best work is the Craft Potters Association. They have a wonderful shop in Russell Street bang opposite the British Museum. Called Contemporary Ceramics.
Or there is even a posher place at Contemporary Applied Art in Parylebone
Both have selling online. With lots of pieces and crafts people. Oh....And hefty prices!

Thank you so much, am looking into all this as we speak. I am just outside Londinium.
I haven't taken advantage of nearly enough of these potential excursions, for a few reaons.. but this is a much welcome prompt. Will reply soon regarding the books also..
Bernado Duckworthy
Bernado Duckworthy

Male Number of posts : 200
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Registration date : 2023-07-31

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Green, sculptural vase Empty Re: Green, sculptural vase

Post by philpot August 8th 2023, 7:49 am

The V&A is really worth a whole long visit. It is not just British studio pottery. A whole vast collection of Chinese, Japanese, European pottery over hundreds of years. It is breathtaking, also usually very quiet as well!

Number of posts : 6607
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