Nice Studio Vase, in porcelain? Green glaze

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Nice Studio Vase, in porcelain? Green glaze Empty Nice Studio Vase, in porcelain? Green glaze

Post by Bernado Duckworthy August 3rd 2023, 1:26 am

I like this, the form is nice, it looks spontaneous. I think it's porcelain.
The Glaze has a nice shimmer in the light. The mark is very hard to see and picture.

Dimensions to follow, if need be.
Thanks for any help.

Nice Studio Vase, in porcelain? Green glaze Img_2049
Nice Studio Vase, in porcelain? Green glaze Img_2050
Nice Studio Vase, in porcelain? Green glaze Img_2048
Nice Studio Vase, in porcelain? Green glaze Img_2051
Nice Studio Vase, in porcelain? Green glaze Img_2053
Nice Studio Vase, in porcelain? Green glaze Img_2052
Bernado Duckworthy
Bernado Duckworthy

Male Number of posts : 204
Location : London
Registration date : 2023-07-31

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Nice Studio Vase, in porcelain? Green glaze Empty Re: Nice Studio Vase, in porcelain? Green glaze

Post by NaomiM August 3rd 2023, 2:47 am

I think there’s a G in the mark but need a closeup to see the rest. Stoneware rather than porcelain imo

Last edited by NaomiM on August 6th 2023, 12:07 am; edited 1 time in total

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Nice Studio Vase, in porcelain? Green glaze Empty Re: Nice Studio Vase, in porcelain? Green glaze

Post by Bernado Duckworthy August 4th 2023, 2:55 am

NaomiM wrote:I think there’s a G in the mark but need a closeup to see the rest

It's so difficult to make out. I'l try my best to picture it.
Bernado Duckworthy
Bernado Duckworthy

Male Number of posts : 204
Location : London
Registration date : 2023-07-31

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Nice Studio Vase, in porcelain? Green glaze Empty Re: Nice Studio Vase, in porcelain? Green glaze

Post by Bernado Duckworthy August 10th 2023, 12:59 am

I don't think it's any easier to see the letters in real life.

Here's hoping that someone might recognise the shape of the mark, from a different piece by the same artist..

Nice Studio Vase, in porcelain? Green glaze Img_2096
Nice Studio Vase, in porcelain? Green glaze Img_2095
Nice Studio Vase, in porcelain? Green glaze Img_2094
Bernado Duckworthy
Bernado Duckworthy

Male Number of posts : 204
Location : London
Registration date : 2023-07-31

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Nice Studio Vase, in porcelain? Green glaze Empty Re: Nice Studio Vase, in porcelain? Green glaze

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