LJ and SJ marks - John Solly? split from Bath Pottery thread

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LJ and SJ marks - John Solly? split from Bath Pottery thread Empty LJ and SJ marks - John Solly? split from Bath Pottery thread

Post by Neil62 Thu Jul 27, 2023 12:19 pm

Good morning,
I recently acquired an earthenware dish decorated with Slipware with John Shelley’s mark on it which seems indisputable to me and from the ‘bible’  it identifies the years 1951-1956 whilst at Bath pottery BUT there is another mark alongside it which could be LJ (with the J interlocked onto the L). I have seen this is a mystery mark (from Naomi on Pinterest) but …could this mark be Richard Freeman’s f with r reversed (I know the mark he used on his own work and this isn’t it but they were all after 1956) I also know that they used BATH POTTERY which isn’t on this piece but could it be when they first started together  ……just thought I’d share.
I did acquire it from Bath not that means a lot!!
Thoughts on LJ or fr

LJ and SJ marks - John Solly? split from Bath Pottery thread Img_5120
LJ and SJ marks - John Solly? split from Bath Pottery thread Img_5119
LJ and SJ marks - John Solly? split from Bath Pottery thread Img_5121

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LJ and SJ marks - John Solly? split from Bath Pottery thread Empty Re: LJ and SJ marks - John Solly? split from Bath Pottery thread

Post by NaomiM Thu Jul 27, 2023 1:18 pm

We have a separate thread for these marks. Still a mystery


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LJ and SJ marks - John Solly? split from Bath Pottery thread Empty Re: LJ and SJ marks - John Solly? split from Bath Pottery thread

Post by NaomiM Thu Jul 27, 2023 1:49 pm

The marks are LJ and SJ (or JS). The LJ has also been found with a moth-shaped mark with an S stamped inside which seems to be an alternative mark for SJ.
Plus an FS mark which might be Frank Smith, found with the SJ and moth marks
Speculation that SJ/JS might be John Solly or John Shelly, but no proof of that.

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LJ and SJ marks - John Solly? split from Bath Pottery thread Empty Re: LJ and SJ marks - John Solly? split from Bath Pottery thread

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