Studio ? speckled brown vase, 4” tall, 1970s style

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Studio ? speckled brown vase, 4” tall, 1970s style Empty Studio ? speckled brown vase, 4” tall, 1970s style

Post by benwilliams July 26th 2023, 7:47 pm

Studio speckled brown vase, 4” tall, 1970s style
Speckled brown outside, With a flowing drip glaze inside
Decoration outside is quite regular so maybe this is a moulded piece but it does look thrown.
Stoneware I think.
Something like Shelf Pottery ?
Studio ? speckled brown vase, 4” tall, 1970s style D68a0110
Studio ? speckled brown vase, 4” tall, 1970s style Cad84210


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Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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