Two turquoise glazed pieces of pottery, possibly East Asian?

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Two turquoise glazed pieces of pottery, possibly East Asian? Empty Two turquoise glazed pieces of pottery, possibly East Asian?

Post by xaitro July 26th 2023, 3:34 pm

Two turquoise glazed pieces of pottery, possibly East Asian? Asian110

Two turquoise glazed pieces of pottery, possibly East Asian? Blue_t10

Two turquoise glazed pieces of pottery, possibly East Asian?

These two pieces were inherited from my great grandparents who lived in East Asia for a while and then also in the Southeast US. There are no maker stamps on either of them, inside or on the bottom. I have no other historical knowledge of either of these pieces. I know the big one is broken and likely has glaze chipped off of it as well.

Any information on these pieces that I could use to further identify them would be great!

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Location : Fairfax, VA
Registration date : 2023-07-26

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Two turquoise glazed pieces of pottery, possibly East Asian? Empty Re: Two turquoise glazed pieces of pottery, possibly East Asian?

Post by NaomiM July 26th 2023, 6:05 pm

The glaze colour and soft pottery body points to the Middle East / traditional Persian pottery. There's one online labelled as Middle Eastern/ Qajar Large Turquoise Glaze Incised Pottery Bowl , dating from the late 19th or early 20th century.
Alternatively there's Kubachi ware from Iran but I'd expect the decoration to be painted rather than incised
And very old Nishapur ware from NE Iran, but yours are more likely to be 20thC
And Raqqa turquoise-glazed pottery from Syria, which is very possible

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