Coffee set 7-petal flower mark: Will & Barbara Pots, Pots Pottery, Cornwall

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Coffee set 7-petal flower mark: Will & Barbara Pots, Pots Pottery, Cornwall Empty Coffee set 7-petal flower mark: Will & Barbara Pots, Pots Pottery, Cornwall

Post by Mandaj July 23rd 2023, 2:38 pm

Dear forum-ites, I found this coffee set in a charity shop in Kent last week. I have been hunting the 7-petalled impressed flower mark to no avail. I am hoping someone will recognise the mark, or the style which I have fallen in love with (rough vs smooth, controlled vs free, so tactile). The coffee pot is 21cm approx tall including lid. The mugs are 9cm and the jug about another cm taller. Each piece has the same design elements of a splashy buff-coloured glaze and a blackish painted stem and leaf but the sugar bowl also has a slightly out-of-keeping scratched design. The flower impressed mark is either under or to the side of the bottoms of the handles, and on the side of the bowl.
Thank-you, Manda

Coffee set 7-petal flower mark: Will & Barbara Pots, Pots Pottery, Cornwall 20230715
Coffee set 7-petal flower mark: Will & Barbara Pots, Pots Pottery, Cornwall 20230714
Coffee set 7-petal flower mark: Will & Barbara Pots, Pots Pottery, Cornwall 20230713
Coffee set 7-petal flower mark: Will & Barbara Pots, Pots Pottery, Cornwall 20230718
Coffee set 7-petal flower mark: Will & Barbara Pots, Pots Pottery, Cornwall 20230716
Coffee set 7-petal flower mark: Will & Barbara Pots, Pots Pottery, Cornwall 20230717
Coffee set 7-petal flower mark: Will & Barbara Pots, Pots Pottery, Cornwall 20230729
Coffee set 7-petal flower mark: Will & Barbara Pots, Pots Pottery, Cornwall 20230728
Coffee set 7-petal flower mark: Will & Barbara Pots, Pots Pottery, Cornwall 20230732
Coffee set 7-petal flower mark: Will & Barbara Pots, Pots Pottery, Cornwall 20230733
Coffee set 7-petal flower mark: Will & Barbara Pots, Pots Pottery, Cornwall 20230731
Coffee set 7-petal flower mark: Will & Barbara Pots, Pots Pottery, Cornwall 20230735
Coffee set 7-petal flower mark: Will & Barbara Pots, Pots Pottery, Cornwall 20230736
Coffee set 7-petal flower mark: Will & Barbara Pots, Pots Pottery, Cornwall 20230734
Coffee set 7-petal flower mark: Will & Barbara Pots, Pots Pottery, Cornwall 20230738
Coffee set 7-petal flower mark: Will & Barbara Pots, Pots Pottery, Cornwall 20230737
Coffee set 7-petal flower mark: Will & Barbara Pots, Pots Pottery, Cornwall 20230739
Coffee set 7-petal flower mark: Will & Barbara Pots, Pots Pottery, Cornwall 20230740

Number of posts : 16
Location : Oxford, uk
Registration date : 2023-05-21

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Coffee set 7-petal flower mark: Will & Barbara Pots, Pots Pottery, Cornwall Empty Re: Coffee set 7-petal flower mark: Will & Barbara Pots, Pots Pottery, Cornwall

Post by NaomiM July 23rd 2023, 2:43 pm

Closest flower marks are Kathleen Ellen Marigold Austin's Calendula Pottery - but not quite right - or Will and Barbara Pots of Pots Pottery in Cornwall, which looks a much better match

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Coffee set 7-petal flower mark: Will & Barbara Pots, Pots Pottery, Cornwall Empty Re: Coffee set 7-petal flower mark: Will & Barbara Pots, Pots Pottery, Cornwall

Post by Mandaj July 24th 2023, 2:08 pm

Thank-you! I had wondered about Pots Pottery but it seemed they had POTS stamped on their pots too, but perhaps not all. I have contacted the volunteers at Hayle Archive asking if they have any information as the Internet seems to have very little. I will post here if I get a substantive reply. Best wishes, Manda

Number of posts : 16
Location : Oxford, uk
Registration date : 2023-05-21

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Coffee set 7-petal flower mark: Will & Barbara Pots, Pots Pottery, Cornwall Empty Re: Coffee set 7-petal flower mark: Will & Barbara Pots, Pots Pottery, Cornwall

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