Speckled mug, RR mark, (not Ruth Rodda) French?

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Speckled mug, RR mark, (not Ruth Rodda)  French?  Empty Speckled mug, RR mark, (not Ruth Rodda) French?

Post by Mamma Lee July 20th 2023, 8:40 pm

Does anyone know the maker?

Speckled mug, RR mark, (not Ruth Rodda)  French?  Img_9013
Speckled mug, RR mark, (not Ruth Rodda)  French?  Img_9014
Speckled mug, RR mark, (not Ruth Rodda)  French?  Img_9015
Mamma Lee
Mamma Lee

Female Number of posts : 84
Location : Suffolk
Registration date : 2020-09-28

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