Royal Lambeth query - ES for Eliza Simmance

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Royal Lambeth query - ES for Eliza Simmance Empty Royal Lambeth query - ES for Eliza Simmance

Post by MaryLou July 13th 2023, 12:55 am

Hello brains trust, I know that these two vases are Royal Lambeth. One is signed E.S. And one is
signed (?) B.
Are they very common? Would they be very valuable? Should I be insuring them, and how would I know what value to place on them?
Thank youRoyal Lambeth query - ES for Eliza Simmance Img_2912
Royal Lambeth query - ES for Eliza Simmance Img_2910
Royal Lambeth query - ES for Eliza Simmance Img_2911

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Royal Lambeth query - ES for Eliza Simmance Empty Re: Royal Lambeth query - ES for Eliza Simmance

Post by studio-pots July 13th 2023, 12:44 pm

The ES is Eliza Simmance but the other mark to me looks like GB, which I can't find. However, there was a George Bearne working at Doulton Lambeth but he used GHB but it might not be a G.

Whoever the maker/decorator, there is little interest in the UK is this type or work these days and it's value would be low i.e. whatever you could get anyone to pay for them. Therefore pointless insuring them.

Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!

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Royal Lambeth query - ES for Eliza Simmance Empty Re: Royal Lambeth query - ES for Eliza Simmance

Post by Potteryman July 13th 2023, 10:13 pm

They don’t carry a value high enough for insurance purposes but don’t just discount them as worthless…with those voysey esque inverted hearts they are very saleable at their own level…..the decorative arts community would happily pay to own them….

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Royal Lambeth query - ES for Eliza Simmance Empty Re: Royal Lambeth query - ES for Eliza Simmance

Post by NaomiM July 13th 2023, 11:23 pm

Check completed listings on eBay for an idea of value. Insurance companies usually have an ‘excess’ and ceramics are rarely worth more than that amount.

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Royal Lambeth query - ES for Eliza Simmance Empty Re: Royal Lambeth query - ES for Eliza Simmance

Post by MaryLou July 14th 2023, 4:25 am

studio-pots…thank you. It actually looks more like a J than a G….
Potteryman….they really are quite beautiful, especially the darker one. I guess now I just take a stab in the dark at their value. Thank you for the info re. insurance.
NaomiM…..Thank you for the tip. I have checked ebay, and the prices seem to be all over the place….

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Royal Lambeth query - ES for Eliza Simmance Empty Re: Royal Lambeth query - ES for Eliza Simmance

Post by NaomiM July 14th 2023, 10:00 am

There don’t appear to be many buyers for these items, and they prefer the more decorated pieces. Unfortunately it’s impossible to know what an item is worth until you sell it.

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Royal Lambeth query - ES for Eliza Simmance Empty Re: Royal Lambeth query - ES for Eliza Simmance

Post by MaryLou July 14th 2023, 2:27 pm

Thank you so much for taking the time to help me, NaomiM.
Everyone who has replied has been most helpful.

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Royal Lambeth query - ES for Eliza Simmance Empty Re: Royal Lambeth query - ES for Eliza Simmance

Post by studio-pots July 16th 2023, 10:11 am

MaryLou wrote:studio-pots…thank you. It actually looks more like a J than a G….

If it is JB then it would be John Broad, who worked there from 1873 until 1919.

Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!

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Royal Lambeth query - ES for Eliza Simmance Empty Re: Royal Lambeth query - ES for Eliza Simmance

Post by MaryLou July 16th 2023, 11:11 am

Thank you so much, studio-pots. I appreciate your time and wisdom!

Number of posts : 4
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Registration date : 2023-06-15

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