Roger Geurin? Date?

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Roger Geurin? Date? Empty Roger Geurin? Date?

Post by mila_storm_richards July 9th 2023, 6:29 pm

Hi, I'm looking for help with date and type of pottery identification. This piece is about 15.5cm high, signed Guerin, 9LD (not sure about the letters). What can be the purpose of this pottery (jug, mug, beer mug? decorative piece?) and is it by Roger Guerin or belongs to the later history of this pottery mark?

Roger Geurin? Date? Img_4010
Roger Geurin? Date? Img_4011
Roger Geurin? Date? Img_4012

Number of posts : 1
Location : Poland
Registration date : 2023-07-04

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Roger Geurin? Date? Empty Re: Roger Geurin? Date?

Post by NaomiM July 10th 2023, 11:37 am

Moved to ID my pottery where members can see it’s a query. I’ll merge it with the reference collection thread afterwards

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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