Stoneware bowl for ID, CAB mark - Charlie Boyce

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Stoneware bowl for ID, CAB mark - Charlie Boyce  Empty Stoneware bowl for ID, CAB mark - Charlie Boyce

Post by abstract*toad July 8th 2023, 3:05 pm

Stoneware bowl for ID please.
Impressed mark, possibly AB.
Alan Brough?
Any help welcomed.

Stoneware bowl for ID, CAB mark - Charlie Boyce  20230715
Stoneware bowl for ID, CAB mark - Charlie Boyce  20230714
Stoneware bowl for ID, CAB mark - Charlie Boyce  20230713

Number of posts : 705
Location : England
Registration date : 2021-04-23

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Stoneware bowl for ID, CAB mark - Charlie Boyce  Empty Re: Stoneware bowl for ID, CAB mark - Charlie Boyce

Post by denbydump July 8th 2023, 3:13 pm


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Stoneware bowl for ID, CAB mark - Charlie Boyce  Empty Re: Stoneware bowl for ID, CAB mark - Charlie Boyce

Post by abstract*toad July 8th 2023, 4:12 pm

Thanks denby 👍

Number of posts : 705
Location : England
Registration date : 2021-04-23

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Stoneware bowl for ID, CAB mark - Charlie Boyce  Empty Re: Stoneware bowl for ID, CAB mark - Charlie Boyce

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