Identification of two US vases with AB markings

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Identification of two US vases with AB markings Empty Identification of two US vases with AB markings

Post by waltsentme June 28th 2023, 7:19 pm

I have two vases that are inscribed AB on the bottoms and am not finding exact matches in my searches. On both of them it appears the center cross line of the A is connected to the top of the B, and the bottom right leg of the A connects to the center line of the B. One is a tall wrapped piece (about 12" in height) that separates at the middle and the edges curve inwards. The other is a modern triangular tube (about 6" in height) with a metallic-like finish, and has '94 beside the marking. They were acquired from the estate of a person in San Rafael, California who had many art vases, although some of them were purchased outside the state. Any suggestions on the maker would be appreciated, thank you.

Identification of two US vases with AB markings Ab1-0111
Identification of two US vases with AB markings Ab1-0211
Identification of two US vases with AB markings Ab2-0111
Identification of two US vases with AB markings Ab2-0210

Number of posts : 2
Location : Petaluma California
Registration date : 2023-06-26

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Identification of two US vases with AB markings Empty Re: Identification of two US vases with AB markings

Post by studio-pots June 28th 2023, 9:00 pm

They look very much like the work of a hobby potter.

Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!

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Identification of two US vases with AB markings Empty Re: Identification of two US vases with AB markings

Post by 22 Crawford St. June 28th 2023, 10:10 pm

The base is very clean (suggesting recent) and base edge is very raggerty, not refined and the AB mark looks very worked and not fluid, if you make x30 of these a day then your signature becomes very intuitive not laboured.
22 Crawford St.
22 Crawford St.

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Identification of two US vases with AB markings Empty Re: Identification of two US vases with AB markings

Post by waltsentme August 4th 2023, 10:48 pm

Thanks very much for your comments!

Number of posts : 2
Location : Petaluma California
Registration date : 2023-06-26

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Identification of two US vases with AB markings Empty Re: Identification of two US vases with AB markings

Post by NaomiM August 5th 2023, 2:20 pm

A lot of US studio potters are self taught and have a very local market. Possibly working in the area where you found them.

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