Bowl blue and gold decoration, HJL mark - Hilary LaForce

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Bowl blue and gold decoration, HJL mark - Hilary LaForce  Empty Bowl blue and gold decoration, HJL mark - Hilary LaForce

Post by NaomiM June 24th 2023, 8:19 pm

Low fired bowl with gold highlights. HJL mark, dated 1992

By Hilary LaForce. Currently at Clay Hall Farm, Honeybourne Rd, Alcester, Warwickshire

Bowl blue and gold decoration, HJL mark - Hilary LaForce  Img_3226

Bowl blue and gold decoration, HJL mark - Hilary LaForce  Img_3228

Bowl blue and gold decoration, HJL mark - Hilary LaForce  Img_3225
Bowl blue and gold decoration, HJL mark - Hilary LaForce  Img_3227

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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