Studio stoneware bowl, Aldermaston painting style, TD, CH or DH mark

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Studio stoneware bowl, Aldermaston painting style, TD, CH or DH mark Empty Studio stoneware bowl, Aldermaston painting style, TD, CH or DH mark

Post by benwilliams June 13th 2023, 11:11 pm

Studio stoneware bowl, Aldermaston painting style
Cll mark.
1970s look
Studio stoneware bowl, Aldermaston painting style, TD, CH or DH mark 14b0d910
Studio stoneware bowl, Aldermaston painting style, TD, CH or DH mark Bab4c410
Studio stoneware bowl, Aldermaston painting style, TD, CH or DH mark 51add610

Number of posts : 2501
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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Studio stoneware bowl, Aldermaston painting style, TD, CH or DH mark Empty Re: Studio stoneware bowl, Aldermaston painting style, TD, CH or DH mark

Post by philpot June 14th 2023, 8:57 am

How big is it? That is a very clever decorative style,but I do not think it owes much to Aldermaston. First thing I thought with that image in the centre is a Seagull against the sun at dawn or dusk. A owl aimed at the tourist market?That base looks good as well. It is so irritating. If your pottery is so good. Why not mark it properly??

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Studio stoneware bowl, Aldermaston painting style, TD, CH or DH mark Empty Re: Studio stoneware bowl, Aldermaston painting style, TD, CH or DH mark

Post by benwilliams June 14th 2023, 4:39 pm

Thanks Philpot. 10” bowl. The design in the middle is a bit like a bird but not quite.

Number of posts : 2501
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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Studio stoneware bowl, Aldermaston painting style, TD, CH or DH mark Empty Re: Studio stoneware bowl, Aldermaston painting style, TD, CH or DH mark

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