Vallauris goblet with black, blue and orange flower and hashes, by whom?

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Vallauris goblet with black, blue and orange flower and hashes, by whom? Empty Vallauris goblet with black, blue and orange flower and hashes, by whom?

Post by Mandaj June 6th 2023, 10:30 am

I like the bold painting of the flower on this 8.5cm tall goblet. It is marked Fait et decore main VALLAURIS. I have found one similar in web searching but also unattributed. Any ideas as to the maker, please?
Vallauris goblet with black, blue and orange flower and hashes, by whom? 20230612
Vallauris goblet with black, blue and orange flower and hashes, by whom? 20230610
Vallauris goblet with black, blue and orange flower and hashes, by whom? 20230611
Vallauris goblet with black, blue and orange flower and hashes, by whom? 20230613

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Vallauris goblet with black, blue and orange flower and hashes, by whom? Empty Re: Vallauris goblet with black, blue and orange flower and hashes, by whom?

Post by PhilosophiaSB June 6th 2023, 11:40 am

i found many items like yours but any of them has a maker named on it

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