Modern Brown Drip Glaze Far Eastern Studio Vase?

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Modern Brown Drip Glaze Far Eastern Studio Vase? Empty Modern Brown Drip Glaze Far Eastern Studio Vase?

Post by pnwtiger May 26th 2023, 11:36 pm

Probably a long shot but any leads on this one would be really helpful. Mark appears far eastern but I'm not certain. Just curious to know any information about what style or technique this vase is and perhaps its origin. Thanks everyone.
Stands 11" high. Base measures 3.5" Weighs 1 lb, 7.5 oz.

Modern Brown Drip Glaze Far Eastern Studio Vase? Img_1127
Modern Brown Drip Glaze Far Eastern Studio Vase? Img_1125
Modern Brown Drip Glaze Far Eastern Studio Vase? Img_1126
Modern Brown Drip Glaze Far Eastern Studio Vase? Img_1128
Modern Brown Drip Glaze Far Eastern Studio Vase? Img_1130
Modern Brown Drip Glaze Far Eastern Studio Vase? Img_1131
Modern Brown Drip Glaze Far Eastern Studio Vase? Img_1129

Number of posts : 11
Location : PNW
Registration date : 2022-07-28

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Modern Brown Drip Glaze Far Eastern Studio Vase? Empty Re: Modern Brown Drip Glaze Far Eastern Studio Vase?

Post by NaomiM May 27th 2023, 12:42 am

I think it’s Japanese kanji writing on the base, but I dont recognise the style of vase. At first sight I thought it was early 20thC Art Pottery

Last edited by NaomiM on May 27th 2023, 6:33 am; edited 1 time in total

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Modern Brown Drip Glaze Far Eastern Studio Vase? Empty Re: Modern Brown Drip Glaze Far Eastern Studio Vase?

Post by pnwtiger May 27th 2023, 1:45 am

That was extremely helpful, Naomi! You even helped me identify another vase with Kanji on the base I had lying around and found an exact match for it. So I guess a double shot of thanks is in order.

Number of posts : 11
Location : PNW
Registration date : 2022-07-28

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Modern Brown Drip Glaze Far Eastern Studio Vase? Empty Re: Modern Brown Drip Glaze Far Eastern Studio Vase?

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