Vase, possibly a lower case j mark?

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Vase, possibly a lower case j mark?  Empty Vase, possibly a lower case j mark?

Post by Thejaderooms May 1st 2023, 10:14 am

Vase, possibly a lower case j mark?  24d54410
Vase, possibly a lower case j mark?  57dab610
Vase, possibly a lower case j mark?  83d67010

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Vase, possibly a lower case j mark?  Empty Re: Vase, possibly a lower case j mark?

Post by philpot May 1st 2023, 11:42 am

A wild guess. But that curl at the bottom, the start of a cross bar further up, and the start of another curl on the top. All remind me of the Leach St Ives standard mark.

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Vase, possibly a lower case j mark?  Empty Re: Vase, possibly a lower case j mark?

Post by NaomiM May 1st 2023, 1:52 pm

J does look most likely but I don't know who's it is. It might be a hobby potter

Vase, possibly a lower case j mark?  Jmark110

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Vase, possibly a lower case j mark?  Empty Re: Vase, possibly a lower case j mark?

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