Small brown Bizen ware style tea cups with Kanji stamp

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Small brown Bizen ware style tea cups with Kanji stamp  Empty Small brown Bizen ware style tea cups with Kanji stamp

Post by Sandivb April 27th 2023, 5:59 am

Small brown Bizen ware style tea cups with Kanji stamp  17c2c410
Small brown Bizen ware style tea cups with Kanji stamp  D416bd10
Small brown Bizen ware style tea cups with Kanji stamp  0566f810This is the last of my sets that I am requesting help for. Thx for any help on identifying.

Number of posts : 5
Location : Colorado
Registration date : 2023-04-25

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Small brown Bizen ware style tea cups with Kanji stamp  Empty Re: Small brown Bizen ware style tea cups with Kanji stamp

Post by NaomiM April 27th 2023, 11:26 am

They looks like Japanese Bizen ware but I’m afraid I can’t read kanji

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Small brown Bizen ware style tea cups with Kanji stamp  Empty Re: Small brown Bizen ware style tea cups with Kanji stamp

Post by Sandivb April 27th 2023, 8:15 pm

Thank you! That’s a great start!

Number of posts : 5
Location : Colorado
Registration date : 2023-04-25

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Small brown Bizen ware style tea cups with Kanji stamp  Empty Re: Small brown Bizen ware style tea cups with Kanji stamp

Post by studio-pots April 28th 2023, 3:31 pm

The clay isn't the typical clay used in Bizen, although I agree with Naomi that they look like Bizen ware cups.

The mark to me suggests that they are most likely factory made and, therefore, not of any great significance.

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