Chinese Rice Bowl 20th century??

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Chinese Rice Bowl 20th century?? Empty Chinese Rice Bowl 20th century??

Post by Anarchist April 19th 2023, 6:59 pm

I haven`t the necessary knowledge to identify, what I assume is a rice bowl, can you help please?

Many thanks.

Chinese Rice Bowl 20th century?? Image_13
Chinese Rice Bowl 20th century?? Image_12
Chinese Rice Bowl 20th century?? Image_14


Number of posts : 14
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Registration date : 2021-05-12

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Chinese Rice Bowl 20th century?? Empty Re: Chinese Rice Bowl 20th century??

Post by NaomiM April 19th 2023, 7:28 pm

You might find the mark on the Gotheborg website of Chinese and Japanese marks. Looks mid to late 20thC from Hong Kong - Canton ware.

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Chinese Rice Bowl 20th century?? Empty Re: Chinese Rice Bowl 20th century??

Post by Anarchist April 19th 2023, 10:11 pm

Thanks Naomi. Most Excellent

Number of posts : 14
Location : UK
Registration date : 2021-05-12

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Chinese Rice Bowl 20th century?? Empty Re: Chinese Rice Bowl 20th century??

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