Cute little French (?) dish - anyone recognise it?

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Cute little French (?)  dish - anyone recognise it? Empty Cute little French (?) dish - anyone recognise it?

Post by kyliesss April 17th 2023, 8:34 am

Hello, picked this cutie up yesterday, but no hope for me in an ID! Marked on the base but suitably vague, possibly not even an intentional mark. It's just a little dish 10cm x 14cm ish. Would love to hear anyone's thoughts, even if just how to describe the style Happy thanks for any help!Cute little French (?)  dish - anyone recognise it? 20230411
Cute little French (?)  dish - anyone recognise it? 20230410

Number of posts : 43
Location : France
Registration date : 2021-06-14

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Cute little French (?)  dish - anyone recognise it? Empty Re: Cute little French (?) dish - anyone recognise it?

Post by tenpot April 17th 2023, 10:49 am

could be poet laval

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Cute little French (?)  dish - anyone recognise it? Empty Re: Cute little French (?) dish - anyone recognise it?

Post by kyliesss April 17th 2023, 11:18 am

Thanks @tenpot ! I added that to my image search and found this one, not exact pattern but the vibe (and perhaps a similar L mark, though done differently?)

I seem to specialise in unmarked Poet Laval ... should probably just assume if I find something mid century that I can't ID, it's theirs ;) thanks again!

Number of posts : 43
Location : France
Registration date : 2021-06-14

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Cute little French (?)  dish - anyone recognise it? Empty Re: Cute little French (?) dish - anyone recognise it?

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