Kirton Lindsey 1970s Slipware Plate with Tree

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Kirton Lindsey 1970s Slipware Plate with Tree Empty Kirton Lindsey 1970s Slipware Plate with Tree

Post by benwilliams April 10th 2023, 9:07 am

Kirton Lindsey 1970s Slipware Plate with Tree, Lincolnshire
No mark. Well decorated
There’s a similar plate online for 1977 Queen’s jubilee, incised Kirton Lindsey on back.
Kirton Lindsey 1970s Slipware Plate with Tree Dc477210
Kirton Lindsey 1970s Slipware Plate with Tree 41288910


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Registration date : 2017-12-27

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Kirton Lindsey 1970s Slipware Plate with Tree Empty Re: Kirton Lindsey 1970s Slipware Plate with Tree

Post by NaomiM April 10th 2023, 11:30 am

Maybe Kirton Pottery, established in Kirton in Lindsey by Peter and Christine Hawes over 40 years ago

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15

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