Made in Belgium - S.A. faïencerie de Thulin

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Made in Belgium - S.A. faïencerie de Thulin Empty Made in Belgium - S.A. faïencerie de Thulin

Post by Jim M78 February 3rd 2009, 10:57 am

Made in Belgium - S.A. faïencerie de Thulin P1000410

Made in Belgium - S.A. faïencerie de Thulin P1000411

I have no idea wich factory.
Jim M78

Number of posts : 22
Location : Belgium
Registration date : 2008-11-26

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Made in Belgium - S.A. faïencerie de Thulin Empty Putting a date on belgium Pottery S.A. faïencerie de Thulin

Post by lorrgeno November 24th 2012, 11:06 pm

I was wondering how do you date Belgium pottery? I put a pic of one of my older vases a while ago and we figured out it was an older Art nouveau period piece. I have another and was wondering how can I tell how old it is? I've done web searches and haven't found anything where I could learn to date the Belgium pieces. I often see them up on auctions but are weary about buying something a seller claims is vintage when it might have been made yesterday....not that I wouldnt want it, just not pay a vintage price.
here are the two pieces I have the yellow and green AN piece
Made in Belgium - S.A. faïencerie de Thulin Img_2810Made in Belgium - S.A. faïencerie de Thulin Img_2811

now this little would I date it?
Made in Belgium - S.A. faïencerie de Thulin Img_2812Made in Belgium - S.A. faïencerie de Thulin Img_2813

Female Number of posts : 126
Age : 64
Location : Fl
Registration date : 2012-10-14

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Made in Belgium - S.A. faïencerie de Thulin Empty Re: Made in Belgium - S.A. faïencerie de Thulin

Post by redscorpi April 30th 2014, 7:11 pm

S.A. faïencerie de Thulin. Model 328 size 4 production between 1923-1973.

Female Number of posts : 37
Age : 63
Location : Antwerpen
Registration date : 2012-04-25

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Made in Belgium - S.A. faïencerie de Thulin Empty Re: Made in Belgium - S.A. faïencerie de Thulin

Post by redscorpi April 30th 2014, 7:21 pm

S.A. faïencerie de Thulin.
vase: catalog model 5
bowl = Cache-pot (planter) model 5
between 1923-1973

Female Number of posts : 37
Age : 63
Location : Antwerpen
Registration date : 2012-04-25

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Made in Belgium - S.A. faïencerie de Thulin Empty Re: Made in Belgium - S.A. faïencerie de Thulin

Post by lorrgeno May 8th 2014, 10:53 pm

Thank you for the look and your help with the dating

Female Number of posts : 126
Age : 64
Location : Fl
Registration date : 2012-10-14

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Made in Belgium - S.A. faïencerie de Thulin Empty Re: Made in Belgium - S.A. faïencerie de Thulin

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