Japanese style bottle with cross mark - possibly Charles Bound
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Marion Hebblethwaite- Number of posts : 37
Location : Cirencester
Registration date : 2023-03-24
Re: Japanese style bottle with cross mark - possibly Charles Bound
Maybe Charles Bound. A photo of the base to check clay and construction would help
Carrot cake is just fake cake
Marion Hebblethwaite- Number of posts : 37
Location : Cirencester
Registration date : 2023-03-24
Re: Japanese style bottle with cross mark - possibly Charles Bound
I would say Charles Bound despite the lack of the other mark, but Studio Pots will know for sure
Carrot cake is just fake cake
Re: Japanese style bottle with cross mark - possibly Charles Bound
I have other pots of his and they are completely different - so will see if anyone recognises the mark thanks
Marion Hebblethwaite- Number of posts : 37
Location : Cirencester
Registration date : 2023-03-24
Re: Japanese style bottle with cross mark - possibly Charles Bound
The mark does look like a Charles Bound mark but I don't recall ever seeing one of his pots with only one mark and I have seen one piece that he made before he began wood-firing and that had 2 marks. The base also doesn't look like that of any piece of Charles Bound's work that I have seen either.
So I don't know for sure but would say that it is possibly by Charles Bound. If you have other pieces that you know are by the same potter then they would help confirm either way.
Maybe you could post images of another pot that you have, if you know it's by the same person?
So I don't know for sure but would say that it is possibly by Charles Bound. If you have other pieces that you know are by the same potter then they would help confirm either way.
Maybe you could post images of another pot that you have, if you know it's by the same person?
Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!
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