Vase or Sake? Japanese?

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Vase or Sake? Japanese? Empty Vase or Sake? Japanese?

Post by DavidG March 27th 2023, 3:35 pm

Piece is 11" tall and 5" diameter at widest.  Looking for ID help please as well as some idea what the script says.

Vase or Sake? Japanese? 20230310

Vase or Sake? Japanese? 20230311

Vase or Sake? Japanese? 20230312

Number of posts : 63
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Registration date : 2020-02-17

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Vase or Sake? Japanese? Empty Re: Vase or Sake? Japanese?

Post by NaomiM March 27th 2023, 3:56 pm

Difficult to say without translating the writing. Might be a poem, in which case it's a vase. Or an advert in which case it's a sake bottle. I'm afraid I don't speak kanji

Last edited by NaomiM on March 28th 2023, 3:56 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Vase or Sake? Japanese? Empty Re: Vase or Sake? Japanese?

Post by DavidG March 27th 2023, 4:00 pm

Thanks NaomiM.

On other forums, it has been suggested that the writing is a poem. Hoping someone may recognize.

Number of posts : 63
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Vase or Sake? Japanese? Empty Re: Vase or Sake? Japanese?

Post by studio-pots March 27th 2023, 11:45 pm

The first Japanese pot I bought in a very fine signed wooden box had calligraphy on it but that calligraphy was not as regular as this. That turned out to be a sake bottle (tokkuri) that was advertising a restaurant. The box was far better than the bottle and, I assume, that the real tokkuri had been kept and switch with one taken from a restaurant.

Your calligraphy is likely to be a poem but even if you were Japanese I think it would be very difficult to read what is written - to me the kanji looks more to make a pattern and looks simplified to help with that.

However, it is too tall for a tokkuri and not large enough for a sake storage bottle and so I would go with it being a vase.

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Vase or Sake? Japanese? Empty Re: Vase or Sake? Japanese?

Post by DavidG March 28th 2023, 2:36 pm

Thanks for the info. Very helpful.

Number of posts : 63
Location : USA
Registration date : 2020-02-17

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Vase or Sake? Japanese? Empty Re: Vase or Sake? Japanese?

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