John Wineera, New Zealand
3 posters
Re: John Wineera, New Zealand
That jug looks typical for NZ pottery. Very Nice.
Very little about John Wineera on the NZ groups; just some mentions about kiln building with Mirek Smisek
Very little about John Wineera on the NZ groups; just some mentions about kiln building with Mirek Smisek
Last edited by NaomiM on March 17th 2023, 5:07 pm; edited 2 times in total
Carrot cake is just fake cake
John Wineera, New Zealand
I think the spiral is his mark as it's on the card and a single one the jug too...
Roobarb- Number of posts : 576
Location : UK
Registration date : 2020-07-03
Re: John Wineera, New Zealand
May I share it with the New Zealand groups? They're putting together a photo album of NZ marks
Carrot cake is just fake cake
Re: John Wineera, New Zealand
Of course! Please do :)
Roobarb- Number of posts : 576
Location : UK
Registration date : 2020-07-03
John Wineera
Hello . . I was searching for some public info on John Wineera and came across this site . . . I went to high school with John and we were friends to his death . . . Yes, he bought Mirek Smisek's pottery after Smisek's death and became a very skillful potter himself. I have some of his work and some photos of his work displayed during the occasional "open day" he had. If any one is interested I could send some images of his work . . . Charles ( I am currently living in Levin - and getting on in age !)
Charles- Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2023-09-04
Re: John Wineera, New Zealand
Great to have personal anecdotes about potters. Would love to see photos of his workÂ
Carrot cake is just fake cake
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