Abstractly decorated small vessel. Signed “A. Heaton 1932”.

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Abstractly decorated small vessel. Signed “A. Heaton 1932”.  Empty Abstractly decorated small vessel. Signed “A. Heaton 1932”.

Post by Sbro February 24th 2023, 8:51 am

Dear Forum

A small porcelain vessel approximately 3.5” in height. Decorated  in a vibrant, naive abstract manner in shades of green, blue and yellow.

Base displays a fine covering of crackling and also has a painted signature reading “A. Heaton. 1932.”  

I see little reason in committing this signature to the piece in order to replicate a Deco pot and therefore my hunch is that it is indeed from 1932. Decoration also arguably evokes the 1930s to me.

Sadly unable to track down any info on this one but am hoping that the collective brain power of The Forum will help illuminate a potential back story for this item.

Thanks in advance as always


Abstractly decorated small vessel. Signed “A. Heaton 1932”.  Ca89bc10
Abstractly decorated small vessel. Signed “A. Heaton 1932”.  72def610
Abstractly decorated small vessel. Signed “A. Heaton 1932”.  85b36410

Number of posts : 446
Location : UK
Registration date : 2022-07-10

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Abstractly decorated small vessel. Signed “A. Heaton 1932”.  Empty Re: Abstractly decorated small vessel. Signed “A. Heaton 1932”.

Post by denbydump February 24th 2023, 9:59 am

It may be an amateur decorated blank, often done early 20th C

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Abstractly decorated small vessel. Signed “A. Heaton 1932”.  Empty Re: Abstractly decorated small vessel. Signed “A. Heaton 1932”.

Post by studio-pots February 24th 2023, 12:44 pm

I would agree with DD.

Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!

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Abstractly decorated small vessel. Signed “A. Heaton 1932”.  Empty Re: Abstractly decorated small vessel. Signed “A. Heaton 1932”.

Post by Sbro February 24th 2023, 3:27 pm

Dear Denby and Studio

As always thanks for your insights. Makes perfect sense to me!


Number of posts : 446
Location : UK
Registration date : 2022-07-10

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Abstractly decorated small vessel. Signed “A. Heaton 1932”.  Empty Re: Abstractly decorated small vessel. Signed “A. Heaton 1932”.

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