Vase marked CLE or LEC, probably European.

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Vase marked CLE or LEC, probably European. Empty Vase marked CLE or LEC, probably European.

Post by MMollari January 25th 2023, 2:39 pm

Hello, and thank you for letting me join, this is my first post.
I've had this jar/vase for a number of years, it was in a larger collection (if I remember correctly) that included Danish, Swedish and some British pottery. I've been unable to identify who the potter is by using the available Danish and Swedish online resources with signatures, so I am hoping that someone here might be able to point me in the right direction. Thanks!

The vase is 11cm in height. I'm reading the signature as CLE, but could also be LEC. The "C" could of course just be a decorative element to the signature.

Vase marked CLE or LEC, probably European. Psx_2010
Vase marked CLE or LEC, probably European. Psx_2011

Male Number of posts : 10
Location : Denmark
Registration date : 2023-01-25

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Vase marked CLE or LEC, probably European. Empty Re: Vase marked CLE or LEC, probably European.

Post by denbydump January 25th 2023, 2:59 pm

Upsala Ekeby UE mark sometimes looks like LE, but probably not them.

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Location : Derbyshire
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Vase marked CLE or LEC, probably European. Empty Re: Vase marked CLE or LEC, probably European.

Post by MMollari January 25th 2023, 3:30 pm

denbydump wrote:Upsala Ekeby UE mark sometimes looks like LE, but probably not them.

Thanks for your reply. I had considered it but don't think it is. I've never seen a mark from UE that looks like this, and there does seem to be a clear separation between the L and E, where as UE's signatures always seem to be "woven" together.

There is also the point that this does not look like a UE piece at all :)

Male Number of posts : 10
Location : Denmark
Registration date : 2023-01-25

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Vase marked CLE or LEC, probably European. Empty Re: Vase marked CLE or LEC, probably European.

Post by denbydump January 25th 2023, 9:35 pm

Yes, it was just a shot in the dark! Obviuosly a well made piece of pottery though.

Number of posts : 7395
Location : Derbyshire
Registration date : 2014-06-01

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Vase marked CLE or LEC, probably European. Empty Re: Vase marked CLE or LEC, probably European.

Post by MMollari January 25th 2023, 9:50 pm

denbydump wrote:Yes, it was just a shot in the dark! Obviuosly a well made piece of pottery though.

Agreed! :)

Male Number of posts : 10
Location : Denmark
Registration date : 2023-01-25

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Vase marked CLE or LEC, probably European. Empty Re: Vase marked CLE or LEC, probably European.

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