Help identifying this German bronze

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Help identifying this German bronze Empty Help identifying this German bronze

Post by GeorgeG January 22nd 2023, 8:05 pm


I picked this up at a shop a few days ago.  It's about 8" across and weighs 14 ounces.  I'm thinking it's an ashtray, maybe Art Deco period, but can't find anything exactly like it looking around online.  I appreciate any help.   Thanks.Help identifying this German bronze 20230112
Help identifying this German bronze 20230113

Number of posts : 34
Location : Portland, Oregon
Registration date : 2013-08-29

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Help identifying this German bronze Empty Re: Help identifying this German bronze

Post by denbydump January 23rd 2023, 12:26 am

Yes i think you are correct. Probably a giant ash tray, and art deco too.
Not so PC these days, but would look lovely cleaned up.

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Help identifying this German bronze Empty Re: Help identifying this German bronze

Post by GeorgeG January 23rd 2023, 6:02 am

Thanks for your posting. I had washed with some dish soap and water, but it didn't clean up much. I'm trying to read up on how to clean without removing any "patina", since that seems important.

Number of posts : 34
Location : Portland, Oregon
Registration date : 2013-08-29

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Help identifying this German bronze Empty Re: Help identifying this German bronze

Post by tenpot January 23rd 2023, 12:30 pm

cigar ash tray ?

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