Dune Scene Vase - James McAnnalen, Michigan
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Dune Scene Vase - James McAnnalen, Michigan
Hi, This is a vase I've had for a few years. Every once in a while I'll return the the web and try again. I've spent an hour or two today and not had any luck. I'm hoping someone out there will be better than I at decoding (deciphering) the signature. The vase is hand thrown and painted all the way around with what appears to me to be a dune scene. There is a mostly legible signature on the bottom with just enough letters letters I can't read to make any sense of it. I've substituted asterisks for the letters I cannot read below. I've also included a couple images of the vase and signature.
" M. S. A**LLE**
Any assistance would be sincerely appreciated. Thanks.
" M. S. A**LLE**
Any assistance would be sincerely appreciated. Thanks.
bbruce- Number of posts : 9
Location : miami
Registration date : 2020-11-04
Re: Dune Scene Vase - James McAnnalen, Michigan
Wondering if it might be a "Mc..." name. Could possibly be something like McAualley, or McAuallife. There are lots of variant spellings of many Scots names...
FaithfullJohn- Number of posts : 120
Location : Isle of Mull
Registration date : 2023-01-11
Re: Dune Scene Vase - James McAnnalen, Michigan
James Mc Annalen Michigan
PhilosophiaSB- Number of posts : 209
Age : 50
Location : Transylvania, Romania
Registration date : 2022-07-15
James (Jim) McAnallen it is!
Thanks PhilosophiaSB and FaithfulJohn. I'd never in a million years have figured that out. I was close except I didn't see the second letter as a c and without seeing that I never would have gotten it. Still can't see the c in Mc but I know it's right so again thanks a bunch! Looking around online it doesn't look representative of his work, actually I like it better than most.
bbruce- Number of posts : 9
Location : miami
Registration date : 2020-11-04
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