Unidentified written LB mark 70s date, Durham potter?

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Unidentified written LB mark 70s date, Durham potter?  Empty Unidentified written LB mark 70s date, Durham potter?

Post by FaithfullJohn January 14th 2023, 9:11 am

Unidentified written LB mark 70s date, Durham potter?  Img_2018
Unidentified written LB mark 70s date, Durham potter?  Img_2016
Unidentified written LB mark 70s date, Durham potter?  Img_2017

I've just joined this forum.

I'm currently sorting my parents large accumulation of studio and Scottish pottery. I plan to post some hopefully-useful stuff with nice pots and marks, and information. But like most people, there are mystery pots where I need some community help 🙏

My mum bought these pots, probably in the 1980s to early 2000s, almost certainly at a Scottish pottery or gallery.  The throwing and glazes are both lovely I think, and there are obvious marks on the bases, both looking like "LB 77". I have a vague notion that these might be by somebody called Baxter, but I can't remember what evidence I have for this. Can't find any similar Baxter pots online.

Any help gratefully received...



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Location : Glasgow/Mull
Registration date : 2023-01-11

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Unidentified written LB mark 70s date, Durham potter?  Empty Re: Unidentified written LB mark 70s date, Durham potter?

Post by NaomiM January 14th 2023, 10:44 am

Not a mark I’ve come across before. Unfortunately the 70s are the dark ages as far as British studio pottery is concerned. Many potters went unrecorded; setting up after the 1st Edn of the British Studio Pottery Marks book was published, and retiring before the 2nd edition was commissioned

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Unidentified written LB mark 70s date, Durham potter?  Empty Re: Unidentified written LB mark 70s date, Durham potter?

Post by FaithfullJohn January 14th 2023, 11:36 am

Hi Naomi

Thanks so much for speedy response! Fingers crossed that somebody might just know something!


Number of posts : 82
Location : Glasgow/Mull
Registration date : 2023-01-11

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Unidentified written LB mark 70s date, Durham potter?  Empty Re: Unidentified written LB mark 70s date, Durham potter?

Post by NaomiM January 14th 2023, 11:44 am

Hopefully one will turn up with a label

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Unidentified written LB mark 70s date, Durham potter?  Empty Re: Unidentified written LB mark 70s date, Durham potter?

Post by FaithfullJohn May 2nd 2024, 6:45 pm

... and update on the mysterious LB potter of the 1970s... The pots featured at the start of this thread belonged to my mum, and I've no idea where they came from.  But.... I've just noticed that the mark is very similar to this pot I bought when a student in Durham around in the late 1970s, from a pottery/craft shop on Saddler Street, near the junction with Elvet Bridge... But this pot has LB 76 B. My mum may have bought her pot from the same place on a visit but either didn't tell me, or I forgot :|

I love this wee stoneware creature - the glaze has a beautiful surface. Does knowing that LB was probably a Durham potter active in the late 1970s help identify who it might be?

Unidentified written LB mark 70s date, Durham potter?  Dsc09110
Unidentified written LB mark 70s date, Durham potter?  Dsc09112
Unidentified written LB mark 70s date, Durham potter?  Dsc09111

Number of posts : 82
Location : Glasgow/Mull
Registration date : 2023-01-11

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Unidentified written LB mark 70s date, Durham potter?  Empty Re: Unidentified written LB mark 70s date, Durham potter?

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