USA Vase with KK mark, Picked up yesterday but no clue...

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USA Vase with KK mark, Picked up yesterday but no clue... Empty USA Vase with KK mark, Picked up yesterday but no clue...

Post by capecodder January 8th 2023, 2:06 pm

Grabbed this from an estate sale with no info associated with it.  Nice glaze but can't track down the mark.  Closest I could find was Roland Bottani but doesn't seem to resemble that work.  Piece is about 10" tall.  Appreciate any help.

USA Vase with KK mark, Picked up yesterday but no clue... Img_4210
USA Vase with KK mark, Picked up yesterday but no clue... Img_4212
USA Vase with KK mark, Picked up yesterday but no clue... Img_4211

Number of posts : 2
Location : E. Orleans ,MA
Registration date : 2023-01-08

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USA Vase with KK mark, Picked up yesterday but no clue... Empty Re: USA Vase with KK mark, Picked up yesterday but no clue...

Post by NaomiM January 8th 2023, 5:35 pm

Looks like a KK mark. You might find it on The Marks Project website but not one I recognise

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USA Vase with KK mark, Picked up yesterday but no clue... Empty Re: USA Vase with KK mark, Picked up yesterday but no clue...

Post by capecodder January 8th 2023, 6:23 pm

Thanks. Tried looking through Marks Project but didn't turn up anything. Also not sure if this is early 20th or more recent.

Number of posts : 2
Location : E. Orleans ,MA
Registration date : 2023-01-08

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USA Vase with KK mark, Picked up yesterday but no clue... Empty Re: USA Vase with KK mark, Picked up yesterday but no clue...

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