Large brown pottery vessel with bamboo decoration

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Large brown pottery vessel with bamboo decoration  Empty Large brown pottery vessel with bamboo decoration

Post by rhonaboat65 December 24th 2022, 12:58 am

Looking for info on this pottery vessel please.
It is large and heavy, about the size of a kettle.
The pottery is thick and seems to be red clay painted dark brown.
It has a large spouted opening.
It does not have any opening on top or any lid. It is a closed vessel with only the spout.
It has a handle.
It has some sort of pleated reed, grass or bamboo pattern on the outside and around the handle.
There are no markings and the base is flat.
I have seen a similar item on the web described as a Bontok salt container from the Philippines.
The lady who gave me this wonderful item had no idea where it came from. She bought it at an antique fair.
It’s an amazing piece and I’m very curious about it.


Large brown pottery vessel with bamboo decoration  84ff4e10

Large brown pottery vessel with bamboo decoration  Dbe45510


Number of posts : 3
Location : Scotland
Registration date : 2022-12-22

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Large brown pottery vessel with bamboo decoration  Empty Re: Large brown pottery vessel with bamboo decoration

Post by NaomiM December 24th 2022, 12:37 pm

Interesting piece. Helps to have a photo of the base to check clay and construction

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Large brown pottery vessel with bamboo decoration  Empty Re: Large brown pottery vessel with bamboo decoration

Post by rhonaboat65 December 25th 2022, 9:11 am

Thanks for your message. Here is a photo of the base. No marks that I can see. It is painted the same as the rest of the item.

Number of posts : 3
Location : Scotland
Registration date : 2022-12-22

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Large brown pottery vessel with bamboo decoration  Empty Re: Large brown pottery vessel with bamboo decoration

Post by rhonaboat65 December 25th 2022, 9:12 am

Large brown pottery vessel with bamboo decoration  96825910

Number of posts : 3
Location : Scotland
Registration date : 2022-12-22

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Large brown pottery vessel with bamboo decoration  Empty Re: Large brown pottery vessel with bamboo decoration

Post by PhilosophiaSB December 27th 2022, 3:10 pm

This is a japanese vintage item. I looked for it with google lens and found smth alike on a japanese online market. I think japanese ceramics are GREAT and i wish i would find some :D but there is a low chance here, in romanian junkyards.

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Large brown pottery vessel with bamboo decoration  Empty Re: Large brown pottery vessel with bamboo decoration

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