Anyone recognize the style of this barium glazed pot? Is this a mark?

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Anyone recognize the style of this barium glazed pot? Is this a mark? Empty Anyone recognize the style of this barium glazed pot? Is this a mark?

Post by PotteryLover123 December 18th 2022, 9:02 am

Hello All,

Struggling to tell if this piece is marked with my eyesight. It has a small raised area which (I am assuming) is a mark but it is illegible to me whether it is a mark or not. Any thoughts would be much appreciated as I love the colours.

Thanks in advance.

Anyone recognize the style of this barium glazed pot? Is this a mark? Dscf3213
Anyone recognize the style of this barium glazed pot? Is this a mark? Dscf3214
Anyone recognize the style of this barium glazed pot? Is this a mark? Dscf3215

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Anyone recognize the style of this barium glazed pot? Is this a mark? Empty Re: Anyone recognize the style of this barium glazed pot? Is this a mark?

Post by NaomiM December 18th 2022, 11:41 am

I think it’s the same as this one, but still a mystery

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