Dorothy Silk, Bakehouse Pottery, New Buckenham, Filey

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Dorothy Silk, Bakehouse Pottery, New Buckenham, Filey  Empty Dorothy Silk, Bakehouse Pottery, New Buckenham, Filey

Post by Clive December 5th 2022, 7:04 pm

I recently acquired several pieces by Dorothy Silk at auction. I'm adding pictures here for reference. It's a beautifully executed biscuit barrel - unfortunately the lid has had a bad encounter with a hard surface - but I still think it's amazing.
Dorothy Silk, Bakehouse Pottery, New Buckenham, Filey  Dsc_0211
Dorothy Silk, Bakehouse Pottery, New Buckenham, Filey  Dsc_0212
Dorothy Silk, Bakehouse Pottery, New Buckenham, Filey  Dsc_0210

Number of posts : 44
Location : Reading
Registration date : 2022-08-30

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