Hand painted elongated dish with tube lined decoration, Signed R
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Hand painted elongated dish with tube lined decoration, Signed R
This dish looks fairly mundane, apart form the hand painted flower designs inside and on each long side. The painting uses a small amount of tube work for veins and to outline the flowers. There is a tube work initial R on the base. If the R hadn't been on the abse I wouldn't have bought it!
This is way outside my usual comfort zone, so I'm unsure whether this is a knock off/wannabe of something. Apart from the R, the base dish is completely unmarked.
This is way outside my usual comfort zone, so I'm unsure whether this is a knock off/wannabe of something. Apart from the R, the base dish is completely unmarked.
Clive- Number of posts : 49
Location : Reading
Registration date : 2022-08-30
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