Small Stoneware Vase - Imprinted SK Mark - Trying to identify potter...

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Small Stoneware Vase - Imprinted SK Mark - Trying to identify potter... Empty Small Stoneware Vase - Imprinted SK Mark - Trying to identify potter...

Post by Sbro September 25th 2022, 3:11 pm

Dear Forum,

Attached please find 3 pics of a small stoneware vase, imprinted marking of SR near to the base which is free of markings.

Approx height - 15cm
Approx diameter of top  7cm
Approx diameter of base - 6cm
Approx weight - 550g

Any help on identifying the mark greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance

Small Stoneware Vase - Imprinted SK Mark - Trying to identify potter... Img_2126

Small Stoneware Vase - Imprinted SK Mark - Trying to identify potter... Img_2128

Small Stoneware Vase - Imprinted SK Mark - Trying to identify potter... Img_2127

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Small Stoneware Vase - Imprinted SK Mark - Trying to identify potter... Empty Re: Small Stoneware Vase - Imprinted SK Mark - Trying to identify potter...

Post by Sbro September 25th 2022, 3:42 pm

Apologies typo in my message. Pottery mark is SK not SR!


Number of posts : 446
Location : UK
Registration date : 2022-07-10

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