BIrd (?) mark or an A and other letter - Lucy Rie type drip glaze

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BIrd (?) mark or an A and other letter - Lucy Rie type drip glaze Empty BIrd (?) mark or an A and other letter - Lucy Rie type drip glaze

Post by halliz September 23rd 2022, 7:19 pm

The colour in the photos is a bit deceptive as the drip glaze is more brown than black and has a slight iridescence.  Any thoughts on the maker please?
BIrd (?) mark or an A and other letter - Lucy Rie type drip glaze 20220933
BIrd (?) mark or an A and other letter - Lucy Rie type drip glaze 20220934
BIrd (?) mark or an A and other letter - Lucy Rie type drip glaze 20220936
BIrd (?) mark or an A and other letter - Lucy Rie type drip glaze 20220935

Number of posts : 88
Location : London
Registration date : 2022-08-28

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BIrd (?) mark or an A and other letter - Lucy Rie type drip glaze Empty Re: BIrd (?) mark or an A and other letter - Lucy Rie type drip glaze

Post by NaomiM September 23rd 2022, 7:51 pm

I’m seeing a bird too. Also might be an AR monogram

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BIrd (?) mark or an A and other letter - Lucy Rie type drip glaze Empty Re: BIrd (?) mark or an A and other letter - Lucy Rie type drip glaze

Post by halliz August 13th 2024, 12:36 pm

I have just seen a Sarah Perry pot online very similar and, whilst this mark looks a little smudged I am thinking it is close enough to the Sarah Perry mark to be hers. Anyone disagree?

Number of posts : 88
Location : London
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BIrd (?) mark or an A and other letter - Lucy Rie type drip glaze Empty Re: BIrd (?) mark or an A and other letter - Lucy Rie type drip glaze

Post by NaomiM August 13th 2024, 1:26 pm

This is her written mark. tbh, I'm not seeing a match

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32477
Location : Hampshire
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BIrd (?) mark or an A and other letter - Lucy Rie type drip glaze Empty Re: BIrd (?) mark or an A and other letter - Lucy Rie type drip glaze

Post by halliz August 13th 2024, 1:53 pm

BIrd (?) mark or an A and other letter - Lucy Rie type drip glaze Sp10
THis is the one I was looking at

Number of posts : 88
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BIrd (?) mark or an A and other letter - Lucy Rie type drip glaze Empty Re: BIrd (?) mark or an A and other letter - Lucy Rie type drip glaze

Post by halliz August 13th 2024, 1:55 pm

And others of the same pot
BIrd (?) mark or an A and other letter - Lucy Rie type drip glaze Sp110
BIrd (?) mark or an A and other letter - Lucy Rie type drip glaze Sp210

Number of posts : 88
Location : London
Registration date : 2022-08-28

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BIrd (?) mark or an A and other letter - Lucy Rie type drip glaze Empty Re: BIrd (?) mark or an A and other letter - Lucy Rie type drip glaze

Post by NaomiM August 13th 2024, 10:40 pm

It’s always possible but other potters were making pots with a similar decoration - made popular by Lucie Rie, who taught Sarah Perry. At the end of the day, the question is Can you persuade other collectors it’s one of hers? Personally, I’m not convinced it is.

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32477
Location : Hampshire
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BIrd (?) mark or an A and other letter - Lucy Rie type drip glaze Empty Re: BIrd (?) mark or an A and other letter - Lucy Rie type drip glaze

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