Brutalist Modernist Abstract Vase, JT mark

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Brutalist Modernist Abstract Vase, JT mark  Empty Brutalist Modernist Abstract Vase, JT mark

Post by Sbro September 15th 2022, 6:12 pm

Dear Forum,

Attached 3 pictures of a large brutalist vase/vessel I'm trying to research. Approx height 41cm, approx circumference of central vase structure 8cm. Aprrox weight 2KG (!!).

Incised signature to the base reads "JT 74" which I assume dates the piece to 1974.

As always, any thoughts or comments greatly appreciated!.


Brutalist Modernist Abstract Vase, JT mark  Img_2113

Brutalist Modernist Abstract Vase, JT mark  Img_2112

Brutalist Modernist Abstract Vase, JT mark  Img_2114

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Location : UK
Registration date : 2022-07-10

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