stoneware vase/vessel T mark and dot - Tony Barnes, Australia

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stoneware vase/vessel T mark and dot - Tony Barnes, Australia  Empty stoneware vase/vessel T mark and dot - Tony Barnes, Australia

Post by Sbro September 12th 2022, 3:26 pm

Dear Forum,

a small stoneware vase/vessel. well crafted and glazed. illegible stamped mark to my eyes on bottom edge which i think may include a box and a dot! Pictures attached will be updated but any info or thoughts as always would be gratefully received!

stoneware vase/vessel T mark and dot - Tony Barnes, Australia  Img_2016

stoneware vase/vessel T mark and dot - Tony Barnes, Australia  Img_2018

stoneware vase/vessel T mark and dot - Tony Barnes, Australia  Img_2017

Number of posts : 429
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Registration date : 2022-07-10

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stoneware vase/vessel T mark and dot - Tony Barnes, Australia  Empty Re: stoneware vase/vessel T mark and dot - Tony Barnes, Australia

Post by Sbro September 12th 2022, 3:31 pm

Apologies forgot to add....height approx 11cm, widest circumference approx 9cm, base circumfererence approx 2 cm, neck circumference approx 1.5cm

Thanks again!

Number of posts : 429
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stoneware vase/vessel T mark and dot - Tony Barnes, Australia  Empty Re: stoneware vase/vessel T mark and dot - Tony Barnes, Australia

Post by Sbro September 12th 2022, 4:29 pm

Another slightly better shot of the makers stamp...

stoneware vase/vessel T mark and dot - Tony Barnes, Australia  Img_2019

Number of posts : 429
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stoneware vase/vessel T mark and dot - Tony Barnes, Australia  Empty Re: stoneware vase/vessel T mark and dot - Tony Barnes, Australia

Post by NaomiM September 12th 2022, 6:23 pm

I'm not finding it in the British marks book. Closest I can find is a mark accompanying Trevor Almond's AA mark, so it might be an Australian or Tasmanian pottery

stoneware vase/vessel T mark and dot - Tony Barnes, Australia  Aamark10

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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stoneware vase/vessel T mark and dot - Tony Barnes, Australia  Empty Re: stoneware vase/vessel T mark and dot - Tony Barnes, Australia

Post by Sbro September 12th 2022, 6:33 pm

Thanks Naomi for taking the time to investigate this one. Will look in to Trevor’s work

Kindest and thanks again

Number of posts : 429
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stoneware vase/vessel T mark and dot - Tony Barnes, Australia  Empty Re: stoneware vase/vessel T mark and dot - Tony Barnes, Australia

Post by Sbro September 12th 2022, 6:46 pm

Hi Naomi 
Following on from your Australian thought do you think it might be by Tony Barnes?


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stoneware vase/vessel T mark and dot - Tony Barnes, Australia  Empty Re: stoneware vase/vessel T mark and dot - Tony Barnes, Australia

Post by Sbro September 12th 2022, 7:01 pm

Found this reference…

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stoneware vase/vessel T mark and dot - Tony Barnes, Australia  Empty Re: stoneware vase/vessel T mark and dot - Tony Barnes, Australia

Post by NaomiM September 12th 2022, 7:05 pm

looks the same Excellent

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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stoneware vase/vessel T mark and dot - Tony Barnes, Australia  Empty Re: stoneware vase/vessel T mark and dot - Tony Barnes, Australia

Post by Sbro September 12th 2022, 7:13 pm

Hi Naomi

Thanks again for taking the time to reply!


Number of posts : 429
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stoneware vase/vessel T mark and dot - Tony Barnes, Australia  Empty Re: stoneware vase/vessel T mark and dot - Tony Barnes, Australia

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