Can anyone help with this vase

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Can anyone help with this vase Empty Can anyone help with this vase

Post by seandux September 8th 2022, 5:34 pm

Hi All.  Hoping someone might be able to help id this vase recently found in the North West of England.  In the auction catalogue as a '1960's multi coloured vase' I originally thought German but now having a closer look I'm not at all sure.  Measures 15 cm tall x approx 10 cm in diameter at the widest part of the body and weighs 440 gms.  Decorated with a multi-coloured glaze for the top two-thirds of the vase and a rich brown at the bottom.  Base is marked with the numbers 1094 followed by a larger 7.  Also the number 45 and what appears to be three vertical lines beneath the number 1094.  There's also a curious mark beneath the 7 that at first I thought was bird of some kind, but on closer inspection it could easily be just thicker glaze.  If anyone has any ideas it would be much appreciated.  Many thanks

Can anyone help with this vase Unknow11

Can anyone help with this vase Unknow10

Can anyone help with this vase Unknow12

Can anyone help with this vase Unknow13

Number of posts : 124
Location : UK
Registration date : 2011-07-17

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Can anyone help with this vase Empty Re: Can anyone help with this vase

Post by denbydump September 9th 2022, 8:36 am

Just generalizing, I would guess at 1920s Continental art pottery, possibly French?

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Can anyone help with this vase Empty Re: Can anyone help with this vase

Post by seandux September 10th 2022, 9:19 am

I'm fairly certain it's Continental (the line across the number 7) but I've not gone down the earlier dates or French route.  Thanks for the pointer - I'll start searching in those areas

Number of posts : 124
Location : UK
Registration date : 2011-07-17

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