Signed Art glass vase

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Signed Art glass vase Empty Signed Art glass vase

Post by potsandpots August 23rd 2022, 3:06 pm

Sorry too tricky to read - any help much appreciated. 22cm tall and heavy

Signed Art glass vase Img_9917
Signed Art glass vase Img_9915
Signed Art glass vase Img_9916

Number of posts : 25
Location : england
Registration date : 2021-03-17

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Signed Art glass vase Empty Re: Signed Art glass vase

Post by Stillkj August 23rd 2022, 3:40 pm

Good looking vase! I can't tell, but it almost looks like an Orrefors signature on the bottom, but perhaps others here can clarify :)

Number of posts : 7
Location : Des Moines, Iowa USA
Registration date : 2022-08-18

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