Snail with Pony Tail “Murano”?

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Snail with Pony Tail “Murano”? Empty Snail with Pony Tail “Murano”?

Post by ezeeepass August 6th 2022, 1:21 pm

Hello everyone! I have this small snail with pony tail no markings or stickers and was wondering if this could be a Murano piece. Thank you for your responsesSnail with Pony Tail “Murano”? Zzzzzz10
Snail with Pony Tail “Murano”? Zzzzzz11
Snail with Pony Tail “Murano”? Zzzzzz12

Number of posts : 1
Location : New York
Registration date : 2022-08-06

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Snail with Pony Tail “Murano”? Empty Re: Snail with Pony Tail “Murano”?

Post by chasdevlin August 8th 2022, 2:35 pm

Looking at the visible pontil mark, and amount of air bubbles, I'd say it's unlikely. More likely to be fairly modern and from Romania or the Far East imo.

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Location : orpington
Registration date : 2016-07-26

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