antique classical figure made in Austria 32 1418 manufacturer & model name?

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antique classical figure made in Austria 32 1418 manufacturer & model name? Empty antique classical figure made in Austria 32 1418 manufacturer & model name?

Post by twopleasemarker August 2nd 2022, 5:10 pm

This figure belonged to our late parents and we have often wondered who made it and what is the model name (possibly the sculptress or stonemason).
Our limited research has pointed us in the direction of Royal Dux but the rectangular 'slab' has no impressed marks.
She stands 23cms high.
antique classical figure made in Austria 32 1418 manufacturer & model name? Dscf0036
antique classical figure made in Austria 32 1418 manufacturer & model name? Dscf0035

Number of posts : 22
Location : A lovely English shire
Registration date : 2013-10-06

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