Studio pottery mug, 1970s style, LAB mark

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Studio pottery mug, 1970s style, LAB mark Empty Studio pottery mug, 1970s style, LAB mark

Post by benwilliams August 1st 2022, 6:30 pm

Studio pottery mug, 1970s style, LAB mark
Can’t see it in book but I’m sure I’ve seen it before
Thank you
Studio pottery mug, 1970s style, LAB mark B371e310
Studio pottery mug, 1970s style, LAB mark 0eb3b510
Studio pottery mug, 1970s style, LAB mark F129e910

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Studio pottery mug, 1970s style, LAB mark Empty Re: Studio pottery mug, 1970s style, LAB mark

Post by NaomiM August 1st 2022, 9:15 pm

I think it’s an EAB monogram. I’ve seen it a few times but still a mystery

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