Unusual mixed splashed colors on a Vase or perfume bottle??

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Unusual mixed splashed colors on a Vase or perfume bottle?? Empty Unusual mixed splashed colors on a Vase or perfume bottle??

Post by LEGSY Mon Jul 04, 2022 2:15 pm

Found this unusual little vase or perfume bottle and wondered
if anybody may recognise where it was made originally or when
it was produced it reminds me of some perfume bottles i have seen in the past]
but have not been able to locate a suitable maker for the colors
on this example as yet thanks for looking nearly forgot its 3 1/4" t x 2.5" w
Unusual mixed splashed colors on a Vase or perfume bottle?? P1010733
Unusual mixed splashed colors on a Vase or perfume bottle?? P1010734
Unusual mixed splashed colors on a Vase or perfume bottle?? P1010732

Male Number of posts : 345
Age : 48
Location : Wales
Registration date : 2017-02-19

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