Unusual double vessel-not sure what it is-has makers mark. Help!

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Unusual double vessel-not sure what it is-has makers mark. Help! Empty Unusual double vessel-not sure what it is-has makers mark. Help!

Post by Vix Wed Jun 29, 2022 3:17 pm

So, my second request of the day...can anybody shed any light on what this even is and does anyone recognise the makers mark? It's pretty rustic but well made so not a beginners night class job I don't think. I think it has something to do with plants-maybe a bonsai planter-but I'm not sure how you explain the two holes...a double planter? Other have suggested a tissue holder/food serving vessel/bedside caddy...who knows!? But I like it!
Measures 28 x 10 x 12 and has four little feet. Makers mark on the bottom which could be a chinese character or an n,u or an f!
Any thoughts welcome!
Unusual double vessel-not sure what it is-has makers mark. Help! Img-9525
Unusual double vessel-not sure what it is-has makers mark. Help! Img-9526
Unusual double vessel-not sure what it is-has makers mark. Help! Img-9527
Unusual double vessel-not sure what it is-has makers mark. Help! Img-9528
Unusual double vessel-not sure what it is-has makers mark. Help! Img-9530

Number of posts : 26
Location : Cambridge, UK
Registration date : 2020-12-20

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Unusual double vessel-not sure what it is-has makers mark. Help! Empty Re: Unusual double vessel-not sure what it is-has makers mark. Help!

Post by benwilliams Wed Jun 29, 2022 9:11 pm

Is it an ikebana vase - for Japanese flower arrangeming? Looks like nice pot.

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Unusual double vessel-not sure what it is-has makers mark. Help! Empty Re: Unusual double vessel-not sure what it is-has makers mark. Help!

Post by Vix Wed Jun 29, 2022 10:35 pm

Now that is a genius thought...hadn't occurred to me! I will search them up! Thanks Ben.

Number of posts : 26
Location : Cambridge, UK
Registration date : 2020-12-20

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Unusual double vessel-not sure what it is-has makers mark. Help! Empty Re: Unusual double vessel-not sure what it is-has makers mark. Help!

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